Tuesday, February 25, 2014

President's Column: Letter from Chris Wilson

Parc National Forillon, Gaspé, VAF Annual Conference,
 June, 2013. Chris Wilson.
For those of you who were not at the Gaspé closing banquet, let me echo the hearty thanks that those gathered extended to Susan Kern for the dedication and hard work that she contributed over the past two years as VAF President.

After I finished graduate school in 1981, I was fortunate to be able to find a mentor in the cultural landscape writer, J. B. Jackson, who lived about an hour away from me near Santa Fe. I visited him every month or so, usually Sunday afternoon for conversation, coffee and camembert on crackers. After this had been going on for a few years, as I was leaving one day, Jackson handed me a check for $500, and said, “Here, why don’t you go to a conference?”

 I chose the next Vernacular Architecture Forum conference the next May of 1988 at Staunton , Virginia--a memorable conference organized by Pam Simpson and Ann McCleary. I met such important later advisors for my research as Catherine Bishir, Richard Longstreth and Dell Upton at that first conference. The combination of opening and closing receptions with live local music, two days of field trips with meals by the likes of the Daughters of Rebecca, and the substantive field guide, with a single day of papers seemed perfect to me.

 I was warmly welcomed by the old hands, especially when I mentioned that I was from New Mexico. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to hold a conference in Santa Fe?” they all asked. Boyd Pratt--my research partner since grad school days, who was also at the conference--and I began thinking of ourselves as the pretty girl in high school, unsure if people liked us for our brains or just for the stunning good looks of the New Mexico landscape. We will always remember the hard work and the enduring pleasure of having hosted the VAF conference in Santa Fe, in 1991.

I have preached the importance of attending conferences for comradery and intellectual growth to my students ever since. Much in the spirit of Jackson’s gesture of encouragement years ago, the recently established Pamela H. Simpson Presenter’s Fellowships supports the expenses of students and recent graduates who attend the conference to present papers. Twelve who have had their papers accepted for the Down Jersey conference will receive Simpson Fellowships this year.

I have attended fifteen of the past twenty-six VAF conferences--and served stints on the board and as Second VP--but had not been as active in the past ten years as a I was in my first fifteen. I welcome this opportunity to serve an organization that has been indispensible to my intellectual development, and has given me so many long-term friends. Below are three links by way of further self-introduction.

I also look forward to seeing you all at what promises to be one of those great VAF conferences, next May in South New Jersey.

Regards, Chris Wilson
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque

Plazas of New Mexico book website: http://plazasofnewmexico.com